Publica ?Menú
Precio US$ 25.000
Tipo de vendedor Particular Oferta
Tipo de Camioneta/Camión Pick Up
Marca/Modelo Silverado 2500 HD
Año 2013
Kilometraje 270000 km

📆: Now

📌: Santiago

🛣️: +/- 170.000mi

💸: US$25.000

🤝: Fast and easy due to Montana plates 🇺🇸

✅ Cruise control + Airconditioning

✅ Indoor + outdoor shower (hot/cold)

✅ 180W solar panels

✅ New 28L 12V fridge + 2 gas stoves

✅ Windows with Mosquito nets + clip down curtains

✅ LED lights + speakers all around

✅ USB chargers

✅ High quality bedsheets + kitchenware

✅ Mountainbike + hammock

After driving from Santiago to the Carretera Austral and back via Ruta 40, we are ready to sell our 2013 4x4 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD extra cab with aluminium camper to the next overlander:

- Extremely comfortable & spacious: plenty of space to stand/sit/move around. All the home comforts and equipment included + plenty of storage space as the back sets are removed.

- Well maintained & ready to drive: regular check-ups done + filters and oil changed recently.

- Easy transfer & border crossings: thanks to the American Montana plates the title transfer only takes a few days, as it is registered under an LLC. Border crossings are no issue.

- Fully off-grid: you are able to run the fridge 24/7 and use the acclimatizer, fans, and USB chargers whenever/wherever. The new battery can be charged using both the solar panels and the relay system connected to the car battery.

Please send us a DM if you have any questions or want more information!

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Automatic 4x4 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD + Camper

  • CL$ p/h incall
  • Vitacura

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No olvides mencionas que me viste en Vivastreet!

Automatic 4x4 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD + Camper

  • CL$ p/h incall
  • Vitacura

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